Monday, 26 March 2012

My Workout Regime

This is a little embarrassing for me, I only started training 6 months ago after about 3 years of absolutely no exercise and junk-eating having left school and never having to do P.E again!

However, a number of people have asked me what my training schedule is like so I thought I would post a blog about it; other people seem to do this and I know for a fact (after hours of research) that finding a correct answer to a 100% perfect regime is near impossible.

Firstly, I just want to make it clear that it is purely a matter of trial and error; especially in regards to diet. No two bodies are the same and no one workout should be copied to the 't.' Everyone else's opinions and advice should be taken as a guideline and tailored (through trial and error) to your own particular preference; what works best for YOU!

My Goal: Building lean muscle and reducing body fat...


I try to eat 6-8 small meals a day, all nutritionally balanced. The general science behind this is:
If you only eat say, 3 big meals a day, your body says "I know I'm not going to get fed for 'X' number of hours, therefore, I need to hold onto any calories I am given in order to give me energy until that next meal."

However, if you eat 6-8 small meals a day, your body says "Okay, I know I'm going to be fed again soon, so I can quickly burn these calories and make space for my next fix."

What this does is it stops the glucose (found in all foods but especially carbohydrates like potato, pasta and rice) from sitting in your body as 'useless energy' essentially becoming fat.

I do not eat potato, rice or pasta because I am trying to reduce my body fat percentage however, it is vital that I still get energy through carbohydrate. Therefore, I eat foods with low GI (Glycemic Index)

There is a list of Low GI foods here which I used to devise my own diet plan:

My Diet: (Yes, it's boring but it works for me...)

Meal 1: Whey Protein Shake (USN IGF-1 ultra low carbs)
             Ground oats in that shake (if done morning cardio)
             or bowl of Low GI rolled oats with water NOT milk (if no morning cardio)

Meal 2: x2 Lightly salted rice cake with RAW honey (Not runny) and raisins

Meal 3: (Pre-Workout) Apple or Banana

Meal 4: (Post-Workout) Whey Protein Shake (USN IGF-1 ultra low carbs)
             Once back home - Friend (in low calorie spray) seasoned chicken breast with microwaved sweet potato and peas

Meal 5: x2 Lightly salted Rice cake with RAW honey and raisins

Meal 6: Oven cooked, seasoned chicken breast with microwaved sweet potato and peas

Meal 7: 1x Lightly salted rice cake with RAW honey and raisins

Meal 8: (Pre-bed) Whey Protein Shake (USN IGF-1 ultra low carbs)

In order to build lean muscle, weight-training is essential. However, reducing body fat at the same time requires a balance of weight-training and cardiovascular exercise.

Note: I swap the raw honey weekly with peanut butter. However, as standard peanut butter is high in saturated fat, I buy natural peanut butter from Holland and Barrett. See the link below. If possible, try to buy natural Almond butter, however, this is more expensive.


My Workout Schedule:

Monday: Pre-breakfast run for 30 minutes
              Chest and Triceps

Tuesday: Back and Biceps

Wednesday: (If not hanging after Student Night) Interval Training (5km in 30 mins) and Abdominals

Thursday: Shoulders and Traps

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Day off

Sunday: Interval Training (5km in 30 mins)


People don't always want to take supplements, and that's fine if you can meet your necessary calorific intake through natural diet alone. However, for maximum muscle growth and recovery, it is said you should have between 2.75g and 3g of protein per KG of weight.

I weigh 79kg and I try to eat about 240g of protein a day. Therefore, I take Protein supplements in order to reach this.

I take Jack3d before a cardiovascular workout. It is a stimulant which is largely caffeine based. What it does, for me, is boosts my energy levels; allowing me to run for longer and harder which promotes fat loss.

My Supplements:

USN IGF-1 Pure Protein

My Protein Instant Oats


Monday, 12 March 2012

Left-Handed Disabilities...

As a left-handed writer, I often find that I am unable to write on the seminar tables in numerous rooms around the university. The tables I have most difficulty with are in 'MC2201' (Ola's Thursday morning lecture room.)

I also noticed; as did a few other students, that it was nearly impossible for me to write on the whiteboard in my 'Newsday workshop' on Thursday afternoon whilst I was Editor without either smudging what I had already written, or writing at a ridiculously embarrassing downwards angle.

This led me to question whether or not this could count as a disability. After all, I find my self 'unable' to write comfortably, just as a paralysed person finds them self 'unable' to walk.

I emailed DART; the University of Lincoln's Disability Services and asked them what they thought about the situation. I was most disappointed and somewhat offended by their reply from the Senior Disability Advisor which was as follows:

"Hello, thanks for your email regarding the seminar desks. Most of the desks I have come across are multi-use,  i.e. right or left handed. You have to physically take the desk area out and re-position but its easily done."

I may not be the most 'with-it' person at the best of times, but, obviously I have tried to re-adjust the desks so that I can write with ease. Granted, the desks in Village Hall; whilst not being adjusted fully for left handed use, do have a large enough writing surface to allow me to write with relative comfort. However, MC2201's desks absolutely are not suitable, and you cannot "...physically take the desk area out and re-position it."

There must be other 'leftys' out there who have experienced similar issues? Numerous surveys have shown that around 10 per cent of the world's population are left handed.

Please tell me I'm not alone!

By Benjamin Yates

Pic 1 -

Friday, 9 March 2012

KONY2012 - The Opposite Effect

If you read my latest Blog post regarding Joseph Kony and the atrocities he has committed across Uganda over the past few years, you may be interested to read the article linked below. 

It is an article by The Telegraph which talks of the dangers that Jason Russell's viral video, 'Kony2012' may have on both the stability of Ugandan society and the fact that it may prompt Kony to "go on the offensive."

It's an interesting read and reveals some previously unknown (by the vast majority of Social Networkers) facts, or ignored facts that could prove to be a severe detriment to the cause promoted by 'Invisible Children,' Russell's campaign group.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


In 2006, Jason Russell, an American campaigner met with a young Ugandan boy named Jacob.

Having watched as L.R.A rebels (Lords Resistance Army) executed his brother, Jacob was now running for his life, seeking refuge in a hostel designed for children trying to escape from the clutches of one man: Joseph Kony.

As leader of the L.R.A, Kony has abducted around 30,000 children, forcing the boys to become child soldiers and the girls to work as sex-slaves. 

He is guilty of murder, rape, abduction and war crimes and forces his soldiers to mutilate and murder those who will not join his cause. 

His heinous crimes have resulted in him becoming the International Criminal Court's (ICC) number 1 target, above the likes of the late Muammar Gadaffi.

But what is his cause? According to the International Criminal Court it is simply to maintain power. He is supported by no one and uses peace talks to re-arm his forces before repeatedly unleashing attacks on the civilians of Uganda.

"Ninety-nine per cent of the population do not know Kony's name, nor do they know of his terrible crimes." Says Russell, pictured below.

Jason Russell - Campaigner
Through an organisation called 'Invisible Children,' Russell and his campaigners have spent the past few years seeking political action on the part of the United States Government to intervene and bring Joseph Kony to justice.

They took their cause to Washington DC, to the White House and spoke with Congressmen from both the Republican and the Democratic parties. 

Their attempts to gain governmental support succeeded.

In October of 2011, 5 years after Russell began his campaign for change, President Obama agreed to send 100 American troops to Uganda to act as advisers; supporting the Ugandan army in their attempts to track and arrest Kony.

It was the first time in American history that the Government had acted as a result of public demand however, in December 2011, a radio broadcast was intercepted revealing that Kony had caught on to the American presence and was changing his tactics to avoid capture.

Kony's Child Soldier
This has meant that the prolonged American influence in Uganda is costing the American government lots of money with very little to show for it. US support could be removed at any point.

Along with 'Invisible Children' the charity 'TRI' has decided that 2012 is the year which will see the capture and arrest of Joseph Kony.

They intend to make him famous, a household name known to all and by all. Thousands of posters have been put up in major cities across the planet, bracelets are being worn to raise awareness and flyers are being distributed until everyone has heard of Joseph Kony.

Jason Russell's video, 'Kony 2012' can be seen below...